Anthony Gunnels - TTEOTD |
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Straight out of the flames of Florence, South Carolina, protracts Prostetic recording artist Through The Eyes Of The Dead with their intense abysmal creation and bloodlust looming beneath the dying disguise. So take comfort in their carnage creations and piercing perforations, just two inches from a main artery. Even I nearly suffered arteriosclerotic tendencies after my discursive palaver with the vocalist Anthony Gunnels - the bringer of truth, while we were attending the Cannibal Corpse show. MettleAngel: Hey brother, I'm very excited to see your band play tonight. I've heard really good things, but how would you describe your sound, as it's more than basic metal-core right?
MettleAngel: When did the band form?
MettleAngel: Oh I see, so what is the current
MettleAngel: Well that's good to hear, how is the tour going so far?
MettleAngel: Well it's important to have a positive attitude when you're the frontman for a band...
MettleAngel: You know rich and poor is only a state of mind; the most important thing to do is celebrate life. Success should only be measured by your level of happiness.
MettleAngel: Well, it sounds like you guys have got a pretty tight line-up then.
MettleAngel: Well I'm glad to see you have the right attitude, thank you for the interview. See also: review of the gig the same night »»
Related links: www.throughtheeyesofthedead.com