» A. Erlandsson - Cradle Of Filth
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Prior to the gig Cradle Of Filth performed in Stockholm on March 03 in Arenan, our photographer Michael got the opportunity to have a chat with drummer Adrian Erlandsson. Below you can find the result of that session........

~ Adrian during the interview

When did you become a member of Cradle of Filth?

  • Adrian: Summer -99.

Michael: In which other bands have you played before joining Cradle Of Filth?

  • Adrian: I came from The Haunted, At the Gates and "Berit’s Polisonger". The Haunted and At The Gates are more known. And I helped Witchery also on some live performances.

Michael: What have you been doing since the release of Nympetamine?

  • Adrian: We were on the Headbangers Ball-tour in the US last year with Arch Enemy, Bleeding Through and Himsa. Bleeding Through and Himsa plays more like hardcore, and you know Arch Enemy right? We were the final act every night, so it was pretty nice actually. First tour with my brother. Other than that we just started the tour in Europe last week.

Michael: How has the tour gone so far?

  • Adrian: Pretty well. Much new for us this tour. New songs that’s haven’t been played live, new bass player and a whole new live show. Many things needed to be trimmed the first evenings, but it has gone well.

~ Michael and Adrian
Now a while after the release of Nymphetamine, do you feel that it came out as you wanted it or is there something you want to change?

  • Adrian: It came out a s good as it could. Generally you look back at what you have done and say: “Oh shit, we should have done that differently”. But you have to take that as inspiration for the next album instead. When it gets on tape, then it’s to late.

Michael: Do you have time to visit the cities you play in?

  • Adrian: Mostly there is time but mostly you dont have any strength. And most livehouses, especially in europé, are in the middle of nowhere. This tour has been pretty good, in Brussels the live was in the middle of the city. In Amsterdam it was in the middle of the city, then you just take time and have a look around. When we were in Germany and had a day off, we just stood parked in a industrial area in the middle of nowhere and watched the whole extended version of The Lord of the Rings-Trilogy. 12 hours long…We watch A LOT of dvd-movies and play games and stuff.

Michael: What do you plan to do after the tour?

  • Adrian: We want to record a new album in July, we aim for that. We have about 4-5 unfinished song and hope for a release February 2006.

Michael: How long time does it take for you to record a song?

  • Adrian: It’s very different from song to song. First we record the drums for the whole album, then the bass. For Nymphetamine the whole band recorded at the same time.

~ Live reviewer Patrik with Adrian

Rob Cagiano from Anthrax produced your latest album, why did you choose him?

  • Adrian: On 'Damnation and a Day' he was just a name that was suggested. We thought: "Ok, he has played in Anthrax, he should be able to get a good guitar-sound. We worked so good together on 'Damnation' that we
    decided to let him get total control over the next album. He wanted us to record the songs together to catch the live-feeling. I think he did a good job. There where many times that we had played the same song all day long and still he wasn't satisfied. "This isn't satisfying, Adrian. Come on!" He really pushed everyone to
    the max to get it as good as it could be.

Michael: When a song is made, who writes the music and who writes the lyrics?

  • Adrian: Most songs we create start with a few riffs or a loose arrangement from either Martin or Paul. Then i get it on cd and I test some drum comp and send it back to them. When there is enough material we take it to the rehearsal studio. Then Dan starts to write texts, and Dans lyrics determines much of how the songs will be arranged.

    Michael: How do you think the situation for COF will be in 2-3 years?
  • Adrian: Best would be if we could play some big shows as supporting act. On most of our tours we are the headline, so we play for the same audience every night. On Ozzfest, we played for "new" audience every night, That was great! Even though it was tiring.

~ Adrian meeting a fan during
a signing session prior to the gig

How do you think when you write the setlist?

  • Adrian: We try to get at least one song from each album and then we se which songs "work" live, some songs has too much samplings for them to work live. Then we try to open aggresivly and hold that for a couple of songs, then bring it down a notch a bit and then take it up again at the end. In between we try to weave in some classics. We have many songs that we have never played live before this tour, for example 13 Autumns and Mother Of Abominations from the new album, mostly aggresive songs.

Michael: What is the one question that you never have been asked during an interview, but you wish you had?

  • Adrian: Do you want a million $?

Michael: And the answer?

  • Adrian: Yes, please! *laughs*

That was all I had for now, Adrian - the staff at metalcovenant.com wish you all the very best for the future, and we sincerely want to thank you for keeping the spirit of Metal alive!


After the interview we exchange some cd's and mailaddreses, took pictures and wished Adrian good luck for the upcoming Stockholm gig. Be sure to read the review made by Patrik and see the pictures taken by me in the live review section.


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