Metal Covenant met up with Thyrfings
Thomas Väänänen (vocals) and
Patrik Lindgren (guitar) prior to the gig
in Stockholm 3 Dec 2005.

Michael: Tell us how you feel before the
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:) It's always
fun, exept for the drivel we are doing now, soundcheck and waiting.
Not the interview(!), but soundchecking and waiting for hours.
What have you been doing since the last album up until now?
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:) Picked our
belly buttons... (Patrik:) It have been three years between
the releases, we have been using them to polish our material. We did
have a down-period creatively but since it did take so many years
we think it was worth it. The album had to be good before release,
that's first priority.
Michael: Tell us about the new album.
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:) It's a further
development of the last album. The difference between Urkraft and
Vansinnesvisor, the two previous albums, was fairly big but this time
not as big. We went with the style from the last album and polished
it further. (Patrik:) We played a bigger part in the production
this time. With earlier albums we were in a studio for two to three
weeks in a row, from rigging to mix. This time the production lasted
half a year, not effectively of course, we used two studios and let
some time go in between the recordings and mixing.
Michael: You signed with Regain Records
earlier this year. What are your hopes for this deal?
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:) Billions :)(Patrik:)
Wealth and fast cars. No, mainly it's comfortable thanks to the geografical
position. It is so much more convinient having a record company in
Sweden then abroad, they are easier to communicate with. Regain has
a better reputation and better bands then the previous record company.
Michael: What does the future hold?
What is Thyrfing to you? A hobby?
Michael: Would you like to have Thyrfing
as a full-time job?
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:) If the possibility
to make a living out of it without having to tour yourself to death
then sure. But if you play this kind of music you have to constantly
be on tour to be profitable. And being away from home for half a year..
that just won't work. (Patrik:) If the conditions would change,
sure, I would like to play music rather then sit in an office, but
at the same time it's nice having a security and still be able to
make nice productions and some gigs. (Thomas:) It has to be
fun. Calling a bunch of people and demand money for gigs and stuff
like that, I don't understand how some bands have the energy to do
Michael: Any sideprojects?
Thomas/Patrik: (Patrik:) Not we personally
but Jocke, our drummer, has a band called "Ruttna" on Black
Lodge, and have released an album. (Thomas:) Our bass player
plays in a thrash band called Celestial Pain and the other guitarist
has two industrial projects, very extrem industrial, it's like.. (Patrik:
noise!) It's just noise :)
Michael: What will the situation be for
Thyrfing in 2-3 years?
Thomas/Patrik: (Patrik:) I don't think
we have ever thought more then 6 months ahead. It started like a fun
thing and then, step by step, we got a record deal, abroad gigs, etc.
We haven't really stopped and thought; "what shall we do next?".
Things just progess naturally. Realistically we are maybe not on the
level we could have been but as long as it is fun and we have the
opportunity to make nice productions, then I'm happy. (Thomas:)
It's in our way of thinking, to have Thyrfing as a hobby so we won't
have to plan ahead. Like, "in one year we have to release
a record so we have to book studio time now!" We just relax
and let it come naturally. If we get a fun offer then we take it.
Tell us about the history of Thyrfing. What has shaped the band
you are today?
- Thomas/Patrik: (Patrik:)
We have had a pretty stable setting on our members. (Thomas:)
We have had one change of lineup. None of the original members have
been replaced or kicked, our second guitarist has been replaced one
time. (Patrik:) It's a nice gang. (Thomas:) We were friends
before we started Thyrfing, that's whats it's all about, I believe.
(Patrik:) During all these years we have all been very active with
the material so you can say that we are a band where everyone have contributed
both musically and lyrically. It has been a damn melting pot. (Thomas:)
For good and for worse. It has it's negative sides to try to agree among
sex people but thats what make Thyrfing sound unique after 5 records,
I believe. (Patrik:) I don't think one person could have done
the new album, so it really is a band effort.
Michael: Thyrfing make lyrics in both Swedish and English. Will
you in the future focus on only one or continue with two languages?
- Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:)
It's only Swedish on the new record because the lyrics have always been
written down naturally, if I get an idea for a title in Swedish, then
the whole song will be in Swedish and vice versa. We have gradually
noticed that it is better in Swedish, better flow and I get more out
of it both spiritually and passionate-wise when I sing in Swedish. (Patrik:)
This time we decided from the begining that everything was to be in
Swedish for a better entirety. (Thomas:) It becomes better in
all ways, the song is better, it sounds better, the lyrics become poetically
Michael: How will your international fans
react to this?
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:)
The fans we have are very narrow in their way of thinking, they like
the original so for them it's only positive. But it's not positive
if we want to get new fans. (Patrik:) Some prefer that people
sing in their mother toungue, even if they don't understand it, instead
of English. We had an english workingtitle for our previous record
and we heard some complains for that. When we later announced a swedish
title they were happy even though they didn't know what it meant.
(Thomas:) People were like crazy from places you didn't think
would care. People in Brazil went: "You have a title in english,
Sell-outs! Fuck off!". For me it's more excuseable because
when you play abroad, it doesn't matter if I forget a line, I can
just sing the same twice or replace it with some jibberish.
A typical Thyrfing gig?
Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:)
It's significantly rawer and faster then on record, we always speed
up the tempo at least half. Energic. We drench the audience in blood.
War and Death. It's important for me to get ready before a gig, It
does much for me when I change clothes and pour some blood on me,
it's like a ritual. One goes into another state of mind. I like it
when I go to see a band that has excerted themselves a bit and done
something visually to.
Michael: Where is it most fun to play?
- Thomas/Patrik: (Thomas:)
The Netherlands last weekend was the best gig yet. It has to have been
a thousand people there. Stockholm and The Shrine are also damn good.
Michael: Choose a Thyrfing song and tell
us about it.
Thomas/Patrik: (Patrik:)
The openingtrack (Far åt helvete) on the new record was a studio
jam from the begining and turned into a song in the end. Pretty aggressive
for being a Thyrfing song. We mixed the song very near and high.
(Thomas:) No effects at all, allmost entirely raw, no reverb or
echo. (Patrik:) It was the song
that was most "off" on the record before we started to record,
then it became the opening track. It proves our theory that everything
we believe before we record becomes the oppsite. (Patrik:)
The favourites in the jamming sessions often become the worst when
you have recorded them and vice versa.
Michael: We at Metal Covenant thank you
very much, Thomas and Patrik. Have a nice gig and good luck in the future!
send their regards...
pictures from the gig »
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