Interview conducted April 13 2009
Interview published April 22 2009
Taking the world by storm, Kataklysm
have made strides with their "Northern Hyperblast" sound. Lately,
there has been a lasting effort towards becoming increasingly more melodic,
and less brutal, as witnessed on the last few albums with Nuclear Blast.
I spoke with vocalist - Maurizio Iacono.
His unconquered might and mettle, is why he has been able to prevail,
and attain success. We discussed all the continuing developments with
Kataklysm, as well as his involvement in the Pagan Fest Tours, and his
forthcoming - Ex Deo. Long may the chains of power be broken, and the
unbridled spirit set free.
MettleAngel: Well, finally, my brother,
I get a chance to sit down and speak with you. There has always been something,
or other which has been delaying the inevitable.
MettleAngel: A few years back, we missed
your live performance with Destruction and Vader, because, we were interviewing
Schmier. Then we missed you on the first leg of The Invaluable Darkness
Tour, because we were interviewing Simen (ICS Vortex) of Dimmu Borgir.
Thankfully, we met you in Chicago in the fall while you were touring with
the "Death By Decibels" bill. We did not have time to schedule
an interview, as the following day was Helloween and Gamma Ray.
MettleAngel: Definitely, but we love to do this, as I'm sure you
do. Here we are at last, I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling too
well. Believe me, I know the feeling.
Maurizio: Being on the road for so long, can
really take its toll. I've been suffering from a sore throat, so I
have to avoid trying to talk too much, so I can preserve my voice
for the live performance later.
MettleAngel: I understand how that is. I
have to save my voice for interviews, as well. Having been so ill earlier
this year, I lose my voice very quickly. Did you know I went five straight
weeks, while ill, not uttering a single word?
MettleAngel: There is definitely a humbling
feeling to not speaking. I've learned to communicate non verbally; especially,
with my son. Honestly, I prefer the ascetic, hermetic lifestyle. Am I
to understand you have been with Kataklysm since 1998, originally playing
bass when Sylvain sang.
MettleAngel: I was never a fan early on,
as I did not like the "Northern Hyperblast" sound. Ever since
you have been signed with Nuclear Blast, the music has become increasingly
more melodic, and memorable.
MettleAngel: I reviewed Prevail last year
for BWBK. Actually Schmier E-mailed me and really enjoyed the review,
as did some other famous members of the metal circle. In the last year,
I have really come to appreciate the band. I sincerely enjoyed the video
for - Taking The World By Storm.
Maurizio: Thank You! We started out as this
really extreme band, playing chaotic riffs, which were all over the
place. Many of our early fans have become encrusted in this style,
and are less receptive to the new melodic approach. It has been a
challenge to break away from the extreme music world, and show that
we have more to offer. We have chosen to become a band based on our
influences. Our drummer - Max Duhamel - is a big fan of Maiden and
'80's metal. He plays in an AC/DC - less is more - fashion. I grew
up with thrash like Sacred Reich & Nuclear Assault. We have truly
discovered our niche. This is why the last few records have been successful.
MettleAngel: Congratulations for sticking
to your guns, all the hard work is now paying off. When we witnessed your
live performance in Chicago, we were quite impressed how tight and intense
was your sound and performance. I could really understand your vocals.
Maurizio: Honestly, I was never a fan of the
guttural vocal approach, because they seemed to become too monotonous.
I strive to be brutal, yet understandable.
MettleAngel: You possess a strong vocal verisimilitude. I just
reviewed the new Pestilence CD. I've always been a supporter of the band.
Even though Patrick has a brutal tone, the songs stick with you, and leave
their mark. I actually have a few new numbers spinning in my sick skull
right now. This is the same with Kataklysm; especially, the songs on Prevail
like - Blood In Heaven or The Chains Of Power. There is so much involved
with the song structure. This translates well in a live milieu. I suppose
this is why you are able to tour with a diversified assortment of metal
Maurizio: Kataklysm is versatile enough to
tour with many unique bands, from the extreme like -Dying Fetus, to
the melodic like - Shadows Fall. We will return to the US with DevilDriver,
this autumn. This summer we will tour Europe with our friends in Keep
Of Kalessin, and Death Angel for the "Thrash 'N' Burn" dates.
MettleAngel: Those are two other awesome
Nuclear Blast acts. Keep Of Kalessin also transcend so many bands of their
ilk. We have become good friends with them ever since Wendy interviewed
Obsidian, and we saw them on the second leg of Invaluable Darkness, and
with you in Chicago. I'm stoked for that new Death Angel DVD. I've even
heard that Enigma has re-issued - The Ultra-Violence with the - Heavy
Metal Insanity Demos!
Maurizio: It is cool to tour with a thrash
act, who redefined the genre, and with Keep of Kalessin, who are beyond
MettleAngel: I'm also excited to hear Obsidian,
Vyl, and Wizziac's side thrash project called - Headspin. Given their
influences, which surpass the Black Metal milieu, this sounds quite promising.
Obsidian mentioned it would have a strong Coroner element. Let's discuss
your involvement with Pagan Fest. You were the main instigator of this
for America. How did all this come to be?
Maurizio: I pay attention to everything. I'm
very circumspect when it comes to music trends, and how the underground
operates. When I was in Europe, and abroad, I would see bands like
Ensiferum or Korpiklaani making a difference in the metal scene. I
saw a need for the American market to be exposed to such great talent.
The US was ready for something different, as opposed to the shit they
are force-fed through the media, radio, and television. I watched
how the metal underground reacted to the music business, how metal
heads did not care for rap, country, and pop; and how they followed
the European bands with such a fervent loyalty.
MettleAngel: So you had an eye out for the
true metal hearts?
Maurizio: Definitely, I took a huge gamble
on my presuppositions, but in my heart I knew I was right. I could
have easily lost everything, but I sensed the time was right for these
bands to tour America. I knew if they came over, they would be amazed
how many American fans they had. I was right in my thinking, and now
we are about to embark on Pagan Fest II, which I know will even be
more successful.
MettleAngel: You had some great bands on
the tour last year. I'm sure this is what led to the splintered - Pagan
Knights Tour with Napalm & SPV acts like SuidAkrA, Týr, and
Alestorm (both of whom have new albums due out soon). We are very excited
about Korpiklaani on Pagan Fest II. It is a shame Eluveitie dropped out,
at the last moment.
Maurizio: The economic situation has affected
many bands. Eluveitie were just here with us in the fall, and they
will be returning soon. I wanted to allow for some new blood on this
tour, to give bands like Blackguard from Canada, and Swashbuckle a
chance to be recognized.
MettleAngel: Both those bands have been
signed to Nuclear Blast, right?
Maurizio: Yes, I think so. With My Space, and
You Tube, the whole internet is changing. By putting some less familiar
acts on the tour, this allows for them to become more recognized.
The internet is taking over everything. If I am approached by a band
about checking out their album, I won't even listen to the CD, I'll
just check out their My Space page.
MettleAngel: I'm the same way. When a band asks for me to review
their demo, I just have them give me a My Space link. Most promos are
now digital, too. Let us now discuss your forthcoming project - Ex Deo.
They will be on the European Pagan Fest II. Fill me in, on this endeavour.
Maurizio: Actually Ex Deo, is a band, and not
just a project. It will be very prestigious, but we will only do a
few shows, and no major tours, due to my other commitments. The music
will be very theatrical, and yet incredible.
MettleAngel: I've seen that Nuclear Blast
are really supporting the band. I receive E-mail updates on Ex Deo, almost
MettleAngel: That sounds about right. Is
the music more death metal, or melodic?
Maurizio: The music is difficult for me to
describe. It is very epic, and there is a mixture of styles like Amon
Amarth, Dimmu, Behemoth, etc. I would describe it as being dark, epic,
melodic metal, with no blast beats. I've been wanting to do something
like this for quite a long time. Nuclear Blast is 100% behind it.
They just made it the cover for their distro magazine, which has like
150,000 copies printed in Germany.
MettleAngel: Wow! That does sound like some
strong support!
Maurizio: I'll let you in on some more dirt.
I have Karl Sanders from Nile contributing a ripping, crazy shredding
solo. I also have Nergal from Behemoth, and Obsidian C. from Keep
Of Kalessin contributing their talents. I've invested a lot of time
in Ex Deo, and I want to give the fans what they've come to expect.
MettleAngel: I'm sure we all will be pleased
with the overall outcome. Why did you chose the name Ex Deo. That is Latin
for - Coming From God, or Out of the essence of God.
Maurizio: Yes, you know your Latin. Actually,
it is a legal term associated with the Roman senate. When they passed
laws, or when the Emperor issues an edict, he did it - 'Ex Deo' -
i.e. as if it came from God (Mars) himself.
MettleAngel: Ah, yes, like the "Deus
Vult" or "Fiat" concepts explicated by Cicero, namely,
that God's will be done, for the glory of The Republic. Once The Republic
became an empire, the emperors viewed themselves as being divine. Whatever
they said, you did!
Maurizio: In military terms, Mars - The God
Of War - mandates the command. Deus means God, but I wanted to use
the more Graeco-Roman term Deo, to associate this concept with Ancient
Rome, and not the Rome of early Christianity.
MettleAngel: I understand, I was just delineating the point between
Ancient Rome when they called themselves The Republic, as opposed to as
an empire, after the reign of Julius Caesar. How does Ex Deo differ musically
from Kataklysm?
Maurizio: The fire and passion of Kataklysm
is very much present, but the music is more diverse, epic, and at
times thrashing. I use some clean vocals, and the guitars have more
power and crunch.
MettleAngel: I am very excited to hear this.
Maurizio: I want to focus on the pagan thread
which made Rome last for almost 700 years. Surprisingly, in metal,
this is not a commonly discussed theme. The subject matter is so fascinating
to me, as an Italian, personally. This is my culture, and my upbringing.
I have always been enthralled by my ancestors. I have been wanting
to pursue this for about four years, but now I know this is the right
MettleAngel: After the success of the movie
- Gladiator, as well as the short lived HBO series - Rome, I do feel there
is an avenue for learning more about the Romans. I studied them thoroughly
while in college. I have read Michael Grant's voluminous - History Of
Rome. Since you are right here in Cincinnati, now would be a good time
to mention Cincinnatus, the Roman for whom our city is named.
MettleAngel: I'm amazed how many local Cincinnatians
do not know about this famous Roman war hero. They just assume that our
city earned her name from the Native Americans, like most other Ohio locals.
The cool thing about the general - Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus - is that
he retired from battle to become a true pagan, that is farmer; for which
the term - paganus renders. In antiquity, a real Roman fought wars, then
returned to farm his lands. This was the mark of nobility. After defeating
the Aequians, he relinquished his title of dictator to become a humble
farmer. He is championed as the model of Roman virtue and simplicity.
Maurizio: Wow, you do know your history, I'm
impressed. This is why I am doing the blogs, to instruct metal heads
on their history, and how we came to be. As an American, just look
at Washington D.C., they borrowed heavily from Roman architecture.
The Capitol Building strongly resembles the Pantheon, and look how
the roads are designed.
MettleAngel: Well, once again in Antiquity,
Rome was defined by her roads. Her true success as an empire can be attributed
to the saying, "All roads lead to Rome." The roads, bridges,
and aqueducts, are why she persevered.
Maurizio: Yes, and this enabled the military
to conquer new lands. You mentioned the movie - Gladiator - let me
show you my tattoos (he shows me the S.P.Q.R. {Senatus Populusque
Romanus = "The Senate and Roman People"}), brand on his
shoulder. This is a sign of one being a soldier in the military. He
also displays his forearm inscribed with the term "invictus"
= unconquered, as in spirit, will, and might.
MettleAngel: You truly take all this seriously.
I respect that, because through Ex Deo, you will enlighten several minds,
the way Karl Sanders has done for Egyptology, through Nile.
MettleAngel: I know, and Johan Hegg, of Amon Amarth, points out
that the days of the week, are all pagan and attributed to Viking Gods,
the Sun, and Moon. In Shakespeare's - Julius Caesar play, we read about
the saying, "beware the ides of March", this would not make
sense, unless we understand there was an older calendar, before Julius
Caesar. Interestingly, given his arrogant, pompous, and haughty, self-assuming
nature, Julius caesar chose to name the first month after the twin god
of good fortune and the divine gates - Janus, but he waited until the
lucky seventh month to name it after himself.
MettleAngel: Silly me, I have been inconsiderate
of your voice, my bad!
MettleAngel: Well, we should bring this
to a close. I'm glad you were able to provide me with insight to Ex Deo.
I'll review that when it comes out, early this summer. Maurizio, thank
you so much for taking the time out, even as sick as you are, to answer
my questions, and to get to know me.
MettleAngel: I have enjoyed our time together,
too. Now, I get to look forward to seeing you live again. This club -
The Mad Hatter - is not quite as big as The Pearl Room in Chicago. Last
night you played Jaxx in Virginia. With it being a Monday, raining, and
this being Covington/Cincinnati, I trust you will have a moderate fan
base, and decent turn out. I know many old school metal die hards will
show to see Napalm Death. Which reminds me, I should curb my voice, as
I now have the joy of going to interview Barney Greenway.
- Maurizio: Have fun with that, and we'll definitely
talk more after the show. Hopefully, my voice will hold out.
MettleAngel: That sounds good, take care,
and get plenty of rest, until then...
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