Dave Brockie - Gwar |
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With this autumn's burnt offerings, a gathering of ghouls is imminent, and already the nuclear winter storm is coming. Still lust in space, and searching for Metal Metal Land, Antartica's turds, Gwar return to serenade the litany of the slain with their newest slab of sick and twisted Metal called - 'Bloody Pit Of Horror'. Nigh a year has transpired since the war masters spawned the masterful 'Lust For Space'. Now these scumdogs of GWARnography are ready to travel beyond Hell to guarantee that violence has arrived and America must be destroyed! Thus, I spoke with Dave Murray Brockie (A.K.A. Oderus Urungus) all about his experience with this band of misfits, and his role in the exotic escapade. MettleAngel: Hey Man it is good to finally meet you. You are touring the US non-stop. I guess America must be destroyed, again! You just completed the last leg for 'Lust In Space', and now your are not about to leave the road behind with your new album 'Bloody Pit Of Horror' due out November 9th.
MettleAngel: 'Lust' is your most Metal release since 'Scumdogs Of The Universe'.
MettleAngel: I was not aware of that...
MettleAngel: So you knew there was a new album in the works, but Gwar kept on touring nonetheless?
MettleAngel: That album was all over the place musically...
MettleAngel: I always dug the silliness of The Sexecutioner.
MettleAngel: I can only imagine!
MettleAngel: I am sure Gwar loves to play with beavers!
MettleAngel: Will you be playing "Zombies, March" live tonight?
MettleAngel: I am so excited to hear the new stuff!
MettleAngel: So it is pure Slaughterama! The album is named after the famous Italian Gore Horror flick from 1965 with the same name. Although, I understand this cult film has gone by several other titles like "The Scarlet Executioner" or "Some Virgins For The Hangman".
MettleAngel: That sounds killer...
MettleAngel: I do, indeed! Will "Zombies" be the only new song in the set?
MettleAngel: I have been following the Scumdogs ever since I first saw you on MTV in '88. I have been a loyal fan of the band, but your last album really made me a die hard fan again!
MettleAngel: I loved the cover art, which is why I bought the hoodie with that parody of the 'Destroyer' album by Kiss. Some of the songs were just outstanding like"Let Us Slay" for which you did a video, as well as "Metal Metal Land" "The UberKlaw".
MettleAngel: I am sure it will not suck! As long as the songs are Metal and the packaging is cool.
MettleAngel: Usually with every release the lyrics are quite hilarious. In the '90s you experimented with different style of music on albums like 'This Toilet Earth' which included hints of Ska, Jazz, and Funk. I prefer the straightforward Metal attitude.
MettleAngel: Oh really, but those were so successful. You made some greatand interesting videos back then!
MettleAngel: I am sure given the influx of Grunge, there was pressure from Metal Blade too. Around that time they were signing some total shit! I guess some things never change.
MettleAngel: That makes sense.
MettleAngel: That is good to know. I actually thought you stemmed from a Punk background. 'Hell-O' and 'Scumdogs Of The Universe' both had a strong Punk vibe like Plasmatics, G.B.H., The Dead Boys, The Dead Milkman, etc.
MettleAngel: Well, there is no arguing that you created the Metal Monster genre. I guess you were also heavily influenced by some of the thrash and cross-over acts of the late '80s like Corrosion Of Conformity, Ludachrist, D.R.I., or Agnostic Front?
MettleAngel: Obviously Gwar did not sound like King Diamond, but I can get the mystique. So many of those great cross-over acts never received recognition, unless Metallica covered them. Man, Metallica stole from everyone. We were just listening to Bleakhouse in the car, and their song "Rainbow Warrior" was written in '81, but sounds a lot like "Sanitarium".
MettleAngel: Nowadays, who has not lifted from the Thrash greats! I always felt Gwar had a unique sensibility. You were signed to Metal Blade right when Slayer and Trouble moved to the majors.
MettleAngel: Well there you have it!
MettleAngel: Most porn is either boring, hilarious, shocking, or so prurient, that it is difficult not to stand in judgment.
MettleAngel: I can see how the leader of the Dead Kennedys would influence you.
MettleAngel: I am surprised Gwar would care. Once you don the costumes, you become characters who are otherwordly, but from Antarcia.
MettleAngel: Is this why it was reserved for your sophomore outing? I am surprised he would worry about shocking the public. Dead Kennedys had al album called 'Frankenchrist'.
MettleAngel: Let me ask you this, the very first time I heard "Slaughterama", it almost sounded like you guys were covering The Meatmen. Was that also inspired by their song "Punkerama"? Tesco Vee, like Jello was quite outspoken. The Meatmen definitely had perverted sex style songs.
MettleAngel: Really? I guess Gwar does have their Punk affiliations. The Casualties are on this tour.
MettleAngel: Both the songs from Gwar and The Meatmen are hysterical, even if the music is sort of the same. I begin to chant, "Brain full of shit, boots full of lead, straight from Hitler's ass it's a nazi skinhead!" Or, "All you guys win a date with Rob Halford of Judas Priest and go to the Club De'Sade, and all you gals win a date with everyone's lover bitch Joan Jett, and if you are lucky you may get a chance to lick her shaved and studded pickle parlour.".
MettleAngel: The Meatmen were not wearing costumes, they were not wearing make-up. I know lately that there has been a lot of controversy about what band has copied which band. MushroomHead still think they set the precedent. In American there is the ongoing rivalry between you guys and Lordi, which kind of surprised me, given the difference of musical direction, and overall stage appearance.
MettleAngel: I do not understand, because Lordi clearly is much more Kiss, Alice Cooper, W.A.S.P. and '80s Metal oriented.
MettleAngel: I am a huge Lordi fan, but 'Lust In Space' is better than the new Lordi, and I never thought I would say that! Your new album will probably be better too.
MettleAngel: It is an apples and oranges thing too. They do not have the type of lyrics common to Gwar. They also stem from an entirely alternate musical background more based in Classic Rock.
MettleAngel: What about these other Monster Metal bands?
MettleAngel: You have done fourteen appearances for that show?
MettleAngel: What about your giant phallus?
MettleAngel: What do you feel the is the best era of Gwar, is it now or the '90s Metal Blade era?
MettleAngel: You live and learn.
MettleAngel: That is very honest...
MettleAngel: Yes we were! I have told all my friends that you are back to being Metal!
MettleAngel: Some of my old friends had long since given up on Gwar. They are all Lordi fans, so I encouraged them to check out 'Lust', now they are stoked for the new album!
MettleAngel: That does suck! Do you think having Casey Orr back in the band has helped to bring you back to the Metal sound? I see you are selling Rigor Mortis shirts at the merch booth.
MettleAngel: How did you get him back? Is it that he just wanted to return?
MettleAngel: Oh, really?
MettleAngel: I was not aware that this was his band?
MettleAngel: Why did he decide to play bass?
MettleAngel: I did not know he was so huge. I am not too familiar with Mobile Death Camp.
MettleAngel: So, obviously you are still friends. Do you find that more and more of us old fans are coming back to the Gwar scene?
MettleAngel: We definitely miss Slymenstra, she was cutting edge. One thing about Gwar, you had the best VHS releases. I was always buying those.
MettleAngel: You mean perhaps a killer collection on Blue-Ray? I know you just released 'Lust In Space - Live At The National' on DVD.
MettleAngel: That does seem a bit excessive, given today's technology.
MettleAngel: That makes good sense. What about the X-Cops band? Is it really members of Gwar?
MettleAngel: That album 'You Have The Right To Remain Silent...' is becoming increasingly difficult to find on CD. I still have my cassette though.
MettleAngel: That may because in 1995, with no Internet, nobody knew that X-Cops was actually Gwar. I remember going to see Green Jellö and a friend of mine telling me to check out X-Cops. I never did see you live, but I did buy the tape.
MettleAngel: All the more reason to remaster it with bonus tracks! Do you think that this too is more of a Punk oriented album like early Gwar?
MettleAngel: So you were looking for an outlet, a sort of solo effort?
MettleAngel: So X-Cops had a real Hard Core edge. I do not like most of the newer Hard Core bands, but I guess I do detect a bit of Sick Of It All and Warzone on that album.
MettleAngel: The rest is history, right! Thank you for taking the time to take a trip down memory lane.
MettleAngel: Thank you, I think. I am excited to hear those new songs live tonight.
MettleAngel: We will have our seven year old son with us, so we will all be there in the pit waiting to get soaked in fake blood.
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