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Pronunciation: [kuhv-uh-nuhnt]
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from present participle of covenir to agree, from Latin convenire
1 : a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement
2 : an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.

The Rating System

The writing team here at Metal Covenant is honoured to critique the music which we so deeply hold in our metal hearts. We are an eclectic body of die-hard metalheads who write and review the music seriously and sincerely. We all stem from different backgrounds, and we all have diverse tastes, as evidenced in our own personal writing styles. We truly adore all things metal; although, some of us prefer one genre over the next. Some of us really enjoy power metal, some of us live for thrash, some of us death, and there are those of us stuck in the 80's when metal ruled the world. All of our unique tastes and preference create a very balanced menu for opionated expressions and dutiful criticisms.

We encourage you to read the 'Staff' section in order to get to know us through our personal bios. This section provides a brief synopsis of our metal mindset, and musical preferences. When you get to know our respective style and taste better, it will also help you feel more secure about how you should value our reviews. Feel free to contact us personally if you were inspired, disillusioned; or even if you want us to review something for you.

Metal Covenant implore a rating system based on allocation of chalices from 1- 10; anything given 8 or above is recommended, anything over 9 is highly recommended. This rating scale is based on five crucial criteria:

1) Performance - how the band plays and performs their instruments overall.
2) Originality - Just how unique or clever is their sound and style?
3) Production - with today's recording standards, is the production up to its requirements?
4) Vocals - this is a primary concern, as this criteria alone can determine the genre; so this is essential. Also, are you able to discern the lyrics being sung?
5) Songwriting - is there balance between the music and lyrics being written? How is everything put together? Is there a good flow and a red thread in the material?

We feel that these criterias all contribute to writing the best possible review for our audience; that they can guage their music purchases based on these degrees of excellence.

It is our fondest hope that you enjoy reading what we have written for you and for the metal milieu, in general. We want you to visit us daily, and to decide the metal which you want to invite into your lives. Bear in mind, we do this because we love listening to and living the metal life. Thank you on behalf of our staff for keeping metal alive.

- Raising The Chalices Of Good Quality Metal

The grades:

10: An utter masterpiece!
9-8: Very good
7-6: Good
5-4: Parts of it work, but not very interesting
3-2: Bad
1-0: Totally crap!

Contact us

Tel: 0046-(0)767-133559
Mail: info@metalcovenant.com



Please note:

If you want to send us review material in form of promo packs and demos: Please first mail the person you wish to send it to and check if it's ok to do so. We do not always have the time to handle the review requests.